Sex, Love, and Relationships Coach

Sexuality is an essential part of wellness. Exploring it will change your life. Enjoy the journey of self-discovery.


We often think of sex as the physical practice of intercourse between two people… but it’s really so much more. Our creative energy begins in the root of our body, in our sexual center, and moves up through the heart and intellectual centers. 

My work is all about helping you identify what you truly want and learn what you don’t yet know. What you desire sexually is important and it’s also a reflection (sometimes in surprising ways) of what you want in the world.

Because sex isn’t shameful, and learning about it doesn’t have to be scary. I’m here to help you learn everything they didn’t cover in class: this is the Sex Ed you’ve been missing — and it can be so much fun to learn.

Together, we examine sexual energy, attraction, roadblocks, attachments, and wishes to understand the physical aspects of our arousal, the psychological aspects of our beliefs, and the emotional reactions to our interactions with others.

In fact, I’ve found that ongoing sexual development can be fun & freeing.

Even if you only accept this approach as one possible way to understand yourself, your wants, and your needs — way, way beyond what you desire in the bedroom — you will discover new depths to yourself and new opportunities for what you can offer others at work, at play and at home.


Don’t just take my word for it…


“I could not have imagined a better connection with a stranger. It felt so good to tell someone who knew nothing about me how I’m really feeling and not be judged for it. I feel stronger in my verbal choices when I want or don’t want to do something. I feel like I can tell myself truly what I need and get that out to people in my life.”

— Dora (she/her)

“Katie helped me articulate my desires in a way that was so empowering. She guided me to tap into my inner confidence and get clear on my personal and relationship goals. Her energy makes her amazing to work with and I came away with a renewed sense of myself.”

— Sophie (she/her)

I believe in using a curious, gentle approach so we can comfortably explore a realm we too often ignore.

I find great joy in facilitating your journey of self-discovery and growth. My goal is to create a safe, positive space to discuss and learn about our bodies, minds, and experiences with others.


I’d love to start a conversation about what you’re looking for. Please book a free session — I look forward to meeting you.

Another step in your journey of self-discovery…


With an open mind, massive heart, endless curiosity, and deep knowledge, I work as your teacher and guide to identify and reveal your opportunities for knowledge, practice, and growth. This process is designed to be engaging, enlightening, and positive — after all, learning about what you want & enjoy can be fun.


What do you desire?

Polarity and magnetism are how the world works: we are drawn to some things and repelled from others. The better we understand what we are pulled to — a person, an activity, a goal — the more likely we are to find fulfillment.

What can you learn?

By identifying what you’re attracted to, what your blocks are, what you’re curious about, and what beliefs you hold about the things you desire, we can develop a roadmap for your personal educational journey — and open up your world.

Where will you go?

Our work together will flow through emotional, psychological, and physical aspects of sexual energy & beyond, ensuring that you get a comprehensive curriculum of expert knowledge, personal insight, and exercises to explore.


My exploration and self-education changed… well, everything.

Throughout my life experiences — professionally, personally, and sexually — I chronically undervalued myself, habitually agreed to things I didn't want to do, assumed responsibility for others at the expense of myself, and suffered greatly from a lack of energetic, emotional, and physical boundaries. Now, I live fully and exuberantly in my body. I am increasingly aware of my own value and can offer something much more meaningful to others as a result.

“I had the great benefit of working with Katie for a 10 session coaching package. She offered me phenomenal, loving, supportive guidance in meditation and breathwork practices that allowed me to release and realize deep insights.

Katie was also an unconditional champion for me and my journey and was radically accepting. She helped me to hold with gratitude parts of myself that I thought were totally unacceptable. She skillfully supported the unfolding of my own wisdom and also dropped in her perspective that consistently brought wisdom, opening and clarity to stuck situations.”

— Jess (she/her)


Re-educating ourselves about sex from A to Z

Humans have explored our relationships with ourselves and others for thousands of years. For decades, I’ve been studying experts across time & cultures. I’m excited to share these insights with you.