Give yourself the gift of a deeper understanding of… you.

Through deep listening in our conversations and a rich library of information & knowledge, I facilitate your journey of self–discovery as you make progress on your path to understanding what you truly want.

Our work will end when you are ready to explore beyond — either by diving deeper into specific niches, or by enjoying your more free flowing fountain of creative energy.


Together, you will learn how to:

  • Slow down and be in the present moment

  • Feel more comfortable loving and embracing yourself

  • Recognize your inherent value

  • Clearly articulate and feel your feelings

  • Be open to more creativity and new ideas

  • More bravely and fully explore yourself and your life

  • Allow more energy to flow in your life, including your relationships and career


Individual Sessions

1:1 hour-long sessions where we identify your most pressing issues, develop a roadmap, and cover the topics & practice exercises most relevant to your needs and interests.

Available in packages of 1, 5, and 10 sessions.


Monthly Membership

Three 1:1 sessions every 4 weeks, plus exclusive members-only special resource newsletters. Benefit from deep, ongoing work with curated information & personalized practices.

Includes weekday personal text/email communication.


Group Workshops

2 hour private group sessions of up to 5 people in-person or 10 people online. Book & invite your group of friends for a fun, educational event that will open new doors for conversation & growth.

Availability varies; see booking calendar.


Everything starts here:


We are rooted in the sexual core of our bodies, but this energy & its manifestations are not limited to the boundaries we tend to draw around them.

Questions? Book a free 20 minute consult.

How do my clients feel?


“Katie would offer her thoughts and suggestions to me as ways to explore previously untapped thoughts and feelings using a variety of techniques; all the while identifying and respecting my boundaries by reassuring me that I was in control. It was her respect and positive energy that made me comfortable being adventurous in discussing topics I'd not thought about before.”

— James (he/him)


“As a woman who's grown up in the time of instagram perfection, diving into topics about sexual confidence and how to talk to your partner about issues are really helpful. I don't think we have a model anywhere of healthy, positive sexual conversations. I really appreciated the safe space that Katie created.”

— Sarah (she/her)

“Her warmth, her down-to-earth nature, and passion are making it so easy for me to open up and explore myself in a way that feels boundless and freeing and completely new! I have been a movement teacher for many years so I thought I was aware of my body, but I am amazed at the vastness of what Katie has shown me.”

— Cara (she/her)


“Katie is a wonderfully warm guide, offering us a discovery process into what we already want deep down, as well as helping us recognize & name the feelings, experiences, and anatomy we may not be familiar with. Once we identify something, we can begin to understand it.”

— Katherine (she/her)

I’d love to meet you.

The first step in our work together is to have a conversation.
Please book a free call here.